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  1. POEMS综合征是一组以周围神经病变、器官肿大、内分泌病变、M蛋白以及皮肤改变为主要临床表现的罕见浆细胞病 。 其发病率不足1/百万,目前已经列入我国首批罕见病目录。 由于其罕见性、多系统受累及临床高度异质性,POEMS综合征有着较高的漏诊和误诊率,发病至诊断中位时间约为12个月。
    Author: Jian Li
    Publish Year: 2019
    DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0253-2727.2019.05.004
    Published: 2019/05
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    A poem can be written down or spoken aloud. It is a collection of ideas and emotions in a creative way. Traditionally, poems were defined by their use of rhyme schemesand metrical patterns, but this is not always the case. Contemporary poets often choose to exclude rhymeand rhythmfrom their verse, opting to write in free verse.
    The best poems are those that tap into the universality of human experience and appeal to a wide variety of readers. While today most poems are written without a set form, below, readers can explore a few formalpossibilities. Types of Poems 
    A poem is a piece of writing, usually using some kind of rhyme schemeor metrical pattern, that expresses a writer’s feelings (or the feelings of a persona). They can tell stories, record memories, express desire, and share information.
    The greatest poems of all time written by modern and famous poets in american literature and english poetry. This selection includes popular poems such as The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost and Daddy by Sylvia Plath.
  3. POEMS 综合征 - 症状与病因 - 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic

  4. POEMS syndrome - UpToDate

  5. Studies of poems综合征
  6. POEMS syndrome - Wikipedia

  7. POEMS综合征 - 内分泌及代谢紊乱 - MSD诊疗手册专业版

  8. Treatment and outcomes of POEMS syndrome: changes in the …

  9. Update on the Diagnosis and Treatment of POEMS …

  10. Recent Advances in the Treatment and Supportive Care of POEMS …

  11. POEMS syndrome: clinical update - PMC - National Center for ...

  12. POEMS syndrome: 2021 Update on diagnosis, risk-stratification

  13. POEMS 综合征 - 激素和代谢性障碍 - 《默沙东诊疗手册大众版》

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